What so special about Mermaids Wonderland:

· We do organize snorkeling; diving trips and outdoor sports only preferable for girls participation;

· We can arrange and accept your special requirements regard your vacation trips with us;

· Budget or luxury trips are on your own choice;


Regards on the diving course, we offer PADI diving courses begin from Discover Scuba Diving, Open Water Diver, and Advance Open Water Diver. If you are interested into diving instructor path, we also offer courses that guide and certified you to become a PADI diving instructor.

As Mermaids Wonderland prefer the participation of girls, women; our instructors are girls.

Questions, Opinions are Welcome =)

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Protect The Living Reef

[ taken form google image]

Do we know that>> Coral Reefs are the oldest and most productive ecosystem on earth...!!

Coral reef exist for more than 500 million years. Nowadays, we are losing the colourful undersea gardens, reefs just because of our human activities.

There is a roughly of 20 percent of the world's coral reefs are already dead, while the another 58 percent hangs in the balance as destruction from human activities threantens reefs everyday; everyhours. This statistical data is an estimation of scientists.

Human activities are the main causes of problem affecting coral reefs. Due to coral sensitivity to even the slightest change in local condition,reefs are often affected by human alteration of environment. If current trends contineous or other serious damages, we may lose this precious resource within the next 30-50 years.

GLOBAL WARMING is normally caused by increased CO2 emmision, warming and acidifying ocean waters, threaten fragile coral reef. In additional, the increase in water temperature induce coral bleaching which reflect a stress response causing coral to turn white and eventually die. Mean while, lowering the ocean pH reduces the reef's ability to develop and grow.

NUTRIENT POLLUTION for example, from agriculture run-off and untreated sewage leads to algae over growth. This reduces light and water flow to coral surface and the space necessary for carol growth.

SEDIMENTATION from coastal development and unwise mangrove forests and sea
greass beds, vital ecosystems that serve as nursery grounds for many reef inhabitants.

DESTRUCTING FISHING such as the use of explosive or reef killing poisons like cyanide, injure and destrou coral reef ecosystem that took thousands of years to develop.

POLLUTION from oil, petroleum products and untreated sewage poison coral reef life. Oil (lipid)compounds normally non polor which could'nt dissolve in water. Leakage of oil, petroleum product from ship, boats or from the oil reef site are one of the major pollution to ocean and to coral reef.

MARINE DEBRIS such as plastics and lost or discarded fishing gear suffocate reefs and entangle reef fish, turtles and mammals. This is also one of the major factor that affect coral reef and marine ecosystem.
[Information and body content references: Project AWARE Foundation]

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